Civil Society 4 Nutrition

The Declaration of civil societies from the Global south ahead of the 4th Nutrition for Growth summit is a political statement designed to call on France, the organiser of the summit, and the international community to take action to ensure nutritional security around the world. Written by and for civil society, the Declaration has been signed by hundreds of organisations from the Global South and supported by dozens of international NGOs and the Scaling Up For Nutrition network.

Global South Civil Societies Declaration ahead of the 4th Nutrition for Growth summit, France 2025

Six years! This is the window the international community has left to eradicate hunger and all forms of malnutrition worldwide, while striving to reach the goal we set ourselves through the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, the facts are crystal clear: according to the FAO (SOFI report, 2023), in 2022, 735 million people suffered from hunger. On a global scale, 2.4 billion people lack access to adequate, sufficient, and healthy food, with a disproportionate impact on smallholder farmers, rural communities, as well as women and girls. Among children, who are the most vulnerable and hardest hit, one in five suffer from stunted growth, and approximately 45 million are emaciated. It is now undeniable that the Global Nutrition Targets (WHO) will not be met by 2025.

Beyond these figures, hunger and malnutrition represent tragedies that undermine human dignity and deprive the most affected countries of sustainable development. At a time when political tensions are running high and increasing inequalities by marginalising the most vulnerable, when conflicts are multiplying and relegating human rights to the sidelines, when climate change is threatening the livelihoods and resources of billions, and when women — predominantly on the front lines educating children and fighting malnutrition — are still too often victims of gender-based violence, we, the civil society in the countries most affected by these issues, fear that the Sustainable Development Goal of eliminating all forms of malnutrition in the world cannot be achieved.

A wake-up call is needed. To stay on track, we need, more than ever, spaces for inclusive and democratic dialogue, where human dignity is at the centre of debates, where those most affected are heard and considered, and where solutions addressing the entirety of the challenges we face are debated. Achieving nutrition security for all requires comprehensive, multisectoral, decentralised, and context-specific approaches, implemented in a peaceful environment, with governments engaging with civil societies and small local businesses.

In the run-up to the Nutrition for Growth Summit in France, we, the most affected civil societies, wish to share our priorities and recommendations to contribute insights that will guide the international community's responses in securing global nutrition. With this declaration, we call upon the French government to organise an ambitious Summit, a pivotal milestone in agendas related to eradicating malnutrition, promoting gender equality, and localising aid efforts.

To achieve this, we urge the international community to base its responses to fight malnutrition on three key principles. We are committed to monitoring their implementation, right up to the Nutrition for Growth Summit in France and beyond.

The inclusion of civil society organisations and local communities most affected by hunger and malnutrition, representing marginalised groups (women, youth, indigenous peoples, etc.)

To tackle hunger and malnutrition, the international community must recognise the effectiveness and essential role of local communities and civil society organisations in the most affected countries. There is an increasing urgency to enhance collaboration with these entities and ensure their meaningful participation in decision-making processes. The expertise and experience they bring are fundamental to the development of sustainable responses. It is not up to local communities to adapt to the demands of donor countries, but rather to donors, UN agencies, and INGOs to act with and for communities by creating programmes with them, funding their involvement and proposals, and eliminating overly intricate administrative frameworks that hinder their effective participation. This requires a paradigm shift.

To achieve this, we call on governments, donors, donor countries, and the international community as a whole to:

  • support local communities in advocating and defending their right to food, ensuring sufficient civic space and expression, and promoting human rights-based policies;
  • put the needs and solutions of local communities, supported by civil societies, at the heart of local, national, and international policy decision-making processes, including at the Nutrition for Growth Summit, by ensuring they have the resources for meaningful engagement;
  • place local communities at the centre of the fight against hunger and malnutrition, by involving them in the development, implementation, and evaluation of programmes, in particular by promoting the solutions they have already initiated, by financing them in a more adaptable, sustainable manner, and by removing overly complex administrative barriers.

The integration of targeted and nutrition-sensitive approaches within sectors with the most significant impact on malnutrition to establish the necessary programmatic responses and multisectoral policies

To tackle hunger and malnutrition, the international community must first and foremost address the structural causes and strengthen multisectoral responses. Whether for State or international programmes, this requires developing multisectoral strategies in which each humanitarian or development programme is, at the very least, nutrition-sensitive, through the integration of indicators to address hunger and malnutrition.

In the most affected countries, both governments and international programmes must decentralise the management of nutrition interventions across several planning levels (regions, sub-regions, and municipalities). To achieve this, we suggest that in each affected country, the issue of nutrition security is overseen by the nation’s highest political authority. This approach ensures that the efforts of all relevant sectors are optimised and that different stakeholders work together collaboratively. For the international community and donors to have a substantial impact, it is crucial to ensure long-term funding for multisectoral plans and key programmes, extending beyond three or four years.

Furthermore, by acknowledging that conflicts, climate change, socio-economic disparities, gender inequalities, weak health, food, and education systems are the main causes of malnutrition, the international community must direct its efforts towards a multisectoral approach that transforms these systems, while taking into account the imperatives of emergency contexts.

To achieve this, we call on governments, donors, donor countries, and the international community as a whole to:

  • mitigate socio-economic and gender inequalities by increasing access to and the quality of essential social services such as health (nutritional care, mental health, sexual and reproductive healthcare), water, hygiene, sanitation, and education for all. This involves the establishment of universal social protection and health coverage policies that address nutrition issues and incorporate a gender-transformative approach;
  • invest in public health systems by directly integrating the treatment of malnutrition and ensuring complementarity with community healthcare;
  • support nutrition-sensitive and climate-resilient agroecological and local production systems, while improving access to land — especially for women and youth — and protecting local food systems from unfair competition;
  • raise awareness among individuals and communities by investing in nutrition education through media campaigns, school programmes, and health centres, with the support of local authorities (local, religious, family administrative or customary authorities, etc.);
  • strengthen the resilience of countries and populations to conflicts and climate shocks by intensifying diplomatic efforts to uphold fundamental human rights policies and international humanitarian law and by financing climate change adaptation in the most affected countries. Additionally, it is necessary to prevent and respond to humanitarian emergencies by providing sufficient funding for anticipated actions and specific nutrition programmes (both preventive and treatment-oriented).

Integrity, Accountability and Transparency

As civil society organisations, we are witnessing a decline in people's trust in national policies and international agendas. This reminds us of the importance of accountability and the necessity for transparency in handling allocated resources. We also attribute this diminishing trust to the recurrence of international summits that are increasingly turning into political spectacles, where commitments are made one after the other, without sufficient deployment of accountability mechanisms, leaving the affected populations unable to perceive the tangible benefits of these commitments.

To tackle hunger and malnutrition, it is essential to monitor and evaluate efforts, with accessible, transparent, and detailed data. Equally important is ensuring that the benefits of funding, programmes, and all efforts reach first and foremost the people. This must be implemented at all levels, from donors to local communities, through national institutions that require funding and/or establishment where absent. Without the participation of local communities and organisations, making commitments and assessing them on the ground would be counterproductive. In the concerned countries, citizen watch is the very essence of civil societies, acting as a counter-power necessary to ensure that our efforts are robust and effective.

Thus, to ensure accountability and transparency of financial and programmatic commitments, we call on governments, donors, donor countries, and the international community as a whole to:

  • ensure that commitments are shaped by the communities concerned to meet their needs;
  • establish a rigorous and transparent accountability framework, by harmonising all existing accountability structures (such as the Nutrition Accountability Framework of the Global Nutrition Report) and deadlines (global nutrition targets, SDGs, etc.), using precise indicators and publishing detailed, transparent, and accessible data on a single platform to effectively monitor the impact of commitments;
  • directly involve civil societies and local communities by funding their activities so that they can monitor and evaluate the implementation of commitments and ensure the dissemination of analyses;
  • implement clear and ambitious commitment principles, strengthening the requirements defined prior to the N4G Summit in Japan, promoting the accountability of major multinationals involved in food and health systems by demanding responsible participation and excluding those who do not commit to reforming their policies and practices to mitigate their impact on our ecosystems, populations and, ultimately, malnutrition.

In particular, the French government must:

  • ensure that the establishment of this accountability framework is on the agenda for the Nutrition for Growth Summit in France, and already propose commitment principles that take into account these recommendations.




Does your organisation want to sign?


organisations have already signed up:

Botswana: Food Bank Botswana ; Bénin: Alliance de la Société Civile pour l'Intensification de la Nutrition au Bénin (ASCINB) ; AFRICMUTUALITE ; Centre Béninois pour le Développement des Initiatives à la Base (CBDIBA) ; JUDECOP ; PNOPPA ; CEDEL ; GERED ; Fédération Nationale des Femmes Agricultrices du Bénin (FeNaFAB) ; Fédération Nationale des Femmes Agricultrices du Bénin (FeNaFAB)Cercle pour le Bien-être l'Environnement et le Développement économique et Social ; Union National des Aviculteurs Professionnels du Bénin (UNAP-Bénin) ; Ligue pour le defense du consommateur au Bénin (LDCB) ; CeSAD-Afrique ; Association de Développement Rural Intégré pour l’Autopromotion (ADRIA) ; Groupe d’action pour l’Amour du Bien-être Familial (GABF-ONG) ; SIA N'SON ONG ; Credi-ong ; CAPID-ONG ; Burkina Faso: Action burkinabé pour la promotion de la santé humaine (AB.PRO.SAH) ; Action pour l’enfance et la santé au Burkina Faso (AES-Burkina) ; Actions Unies pour le Développement Durable et Holistique (AUDDH) ; Appui moral matériel et intellectuel à l’enfant (AMMIE) ; Association Buaminyaba ; Association d’appui et de promotion rurale du Gulmu (APRG) ; Association d'Appui aux Enfant Malnutris et Famille (AAEMF) ; Association d'Appui aux Personnes Vulnérables à l'Insécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnel (2APV) ; Association de Prise en Charge Sanitaire des Personnes Agées (APECS PA) ; Association Femme Population et Développement (AFPOD) ; Association Gbering Bouo Bafou ; Association KOOM ; Association LOSANI ; Association Mère Théresa de la Charité (AMTC) ; Association pour la Facilitation du Développement Communautaire (AFDC) ; Association Tin Nuadi ; Association Tin Tua ; Association TODIMA ; CBM-Burkina Faso ; Chant de Femmes ; Club des Journalistes et communicateurs en nutrition et sécurité alimentaire (CJCN/SA) ; CORAH-HBS ; Enfant du Sahel ES/BF ; Initiatives communautaires pour le développement (ICODEV) ; Intégration économique et social de la femme dans le développement (IES) ; ONG Responsabilité Espoir-Vie-Solidarité (REV PLUS) ; Organisation catholique pour le développement et la solidarité (OCADES) ; Réseau africain pour le droit à l’alimentation au Burkina Faso (RAPDA) CEAS ; Réseau d’Appui à la Citoyenneté des Femmes Rurales d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Tchad (RESACIFROAT) ; Réseau des communicateurs en faveur des jeunes défavorisés des Hauts Bassins (RECOJED/Hauts Bassins) ; Secrétariat permanent des ONG (SPONG) ; SOS Enfants Oradara (SOSEO) ; SOS SAHEL ; Structure de solidarité et d’entraide mutuelle au Sahel (SEMUS) ; Valorisation des ressources naturelles par l’auto promotion (VARENA ASSO) ; Cameroon: Collectif des ONG pour la Sécurité Alimentaire et le Développement Rural (ONG COSADER) ; LE COEUR SUR LA MAIN - Association Internationale d’aide nutritionnelle et humanitaire aux personnes nécessiteuses et vulnérables ; Organisation Camerounaise des Paysans Emergents - ONG ORCAPE ; Association pour le Soutien à la Démocratie des Communautés Africaines ; Chad: ASRADD (Alliance Sahélienne de Recherches Appliquées pour le Développement Durable) ; Colombia: Asociación Internacional de Gestión de Emergencias para Latinoamérica y el Caribe ; Côte d'ivoire: Alliance Sun Côte d’Ivoire ; ASAPSU ; Ecuador: REDNI ; Ethiopia: Azmera Development & Charity Association ; ECSC-SUN movement ; Fiji: Asia Pacific Forum on Families International ; Ghana: Economic and Earth Advocacy Ghana ; Guatemala: Asociación de Trabajadoras del Hogar a Domicilio y Maquila (ATRAHDOM) ; Sindicato de Trabajadoras Domesticas, de Maquila, Nexas y Conexas (SITRADOM) ; Asociación para el Desarrollo Humano Integral y Sostenible (ADHISGUA) ; Organización de Mujeres Tierra Viva ; Honduras: Asociación de Organismos no Gubernamentales (ASONOG) ; India: Parmarth ; Kyrgyzstan: Public Foundation Fair and Sustainable Development Solutions ; Laos: SNV ; Association for Rural Mobilisation and Improvement (ARMI) ; Community Development ; Association (CoDA) ; CRS ; The Pomotion of Family health association (PFHA) ; Liberia: Union of Rural Farmers Association (URFA) ; War Victims Assistance Program ; Zorzor District Women Care ; Building Potential for Transformation ; Friends of Franbarnie International ; Mulit Purpose Agriculture Development Initiative ; Adolescent Girls Initiative for Community Empowerment ; Rural SUN Promotion Media Network ; Liberia Diabbetes Association ; Movement Against HIV/AIDS ; Gross Roots Aency for Social Services ; Caritas Gbarnga ; MALOHOK Foundation ; Rural Empowerment Fundation ; Domafein Future ; Youth Accountability Forum ; Women Pasion ; Feleration of Liberian Youth ; Women and Youth Development Institute ; Vulnerable Female & Youth in Development Organization ; Bassa Women Development Association ; Coalition for Transparency & Accountability in Education ; Winningway Transformation Inc. ; Women Rights Watch ; Women in Peace Building Network ; Liberia National Association of the Blind ; Care for Humanity ; Positive Change Women & Girls Initiative ; FAWE Buchana Mothers Clob ; National Advocacy Network of Liberia ; Women Care Initiative ; Village Africa ; Women United for Climate Action ; Global Human Rights Campaign ; Rural Women of Marbibi ; Youth in Action for Peace and Development ; Youth Against Hunger ; National CSO Council of Liberia (Magibi branch) ; Ecumenical Women Association ; Liberia Coalition of Human Rights Defenders ; WASH Friends ; United Yout for Peace, Education, Transparency & Development in Liberia ; Madagascar: Solidarité des Intervenants sur le Foncier (SIF) ; Plateforme de la société civile HINA ; Organisation de la Société Civile Eau Assainissement Hygiène (OSCEAH) ; Action Socio-sanitaire Organisation Secours (ASOS) Malawi: Civil Society Organisation Nutrition Alliance ; Tiphezane community Support Organisation (TICOSO) ; Ukhondo Services Foundation ; Mothers 2 mothers ; Mponela AID Information and Counselling Centre (MAICC) ; Social Development and Advocacy Centre (SODAC) ; Fountain of Hope (FOHOP) ; Save The Children Malawi ; Oxfam Malawi ; Mzimba Institute for Development Communications Trust (MIDCT) ; Development Resource for Empowerment & Action Mentor-ship DREAM ; Mali: CNSC ; OMAES ; USAID HRH2030 ; AMSS ; RPL ; MISSION SAHEL ; ABN AID ; CSPEEDA ; RECOTRADE ; CR-ONG Koulikoro ; AMEDD ; GAD ; AMAPED ; AOV ; PHM Mali ; AMSD ; CSPEEDA ; Association Segou Espoir ; FENASCOM ; CAR.D ; Point focal SUN Kayes ; AJCAD ; AMADECOM ; STOP SAHEL ; AMASSA Afrique Verte ; Siguida Lafia ; ADDSF ; AMaPIL ; ONG AVENIR ; ONG AZHAR ; World Vision Mali ; ACF Mali ; Mauritanie: Association des journalistes amis de la nutrition ; ONG AMAMI ; ONG Mauri-Santé ; ONG ADIG ; UCFG ; GIE des revenus verts pour l'emploi des jeunes du Guidimakha ; ONG ADIG ; Réseau des organisations de la sécurité Alimentaire (ROSA) ; Union des coopératives de femmes du Guidimakha (UCFG) ; Mozambique: Organismo para o Desenvolvimento Socioeconomico Integrado ; MPC - Movimento pela Cidadania ; Assosciacao Rede de Proteccao de Crianca de Sofala ; Niger: ADEKOUL ; ACH ; ADMR ; AND ; ADN/KAMNA ; ADRAD ; AKARASS ; ALTERNATIVE ; AMDEC ACQUIS ; ANSEN ; ANSP ; APBE ; AREN ; ARVER NIYA ; BEFEN ; BRD AREN ; CADEL ; CAPAN ; CARE SAHEL ; CDR ; CONGAFEN ; CONSORTIUM DROIT ALIMENTATION ; CRF ; CRN ; Croix Rouge Nigérienne ; DOUBANI ; FNAP ; FORSANI ; GADDED ; GAGE ; GED GAO ; HADINKAÏ ; HIMMA ; ICOJDES ; IDELA ; ISCV ; JEUNESSE ASSISTANCE ; KARKARA ; MASNAT ; NAFANTE ; ONG ADD ; ONG ADL ; ONG AID ; ONG CDR ; ONG DIKO ; ONG KOURI ; ONG SPN KARA ; OVUL ; PROTECSO ; RAIL ; REFORM ; REJEA ; SAEDEV ; Nigeria: SUN CSA (CS-SUNN) National Secretariat ; Akwa Ibom State University, Obio Akpa campus, Hope Givers Initiative (HOG-I) ; Leadtots Development Initiative ; Taimako Community Development Initiative ; Community Initiative for the Promotion of Health and Education Sectors (CIPRHES) ; Forward in Action for Education Poverty and Malnutrition (FAcE-PaM) ; Kings Leodews Initiative ; Syndicate in Supporting Women and Children Initiative (SISWACHI) ; Fahimta women and youth development initiative Bauchi ; Briskila Emefesi wowmen foundation ; Bauchi Human Rights Network ; Community Initiative for Healthy and Peaceful Society ; Rahama Women Development Initiative ; Muslim Aid Initiative Nigeria (MAIN) ; PRISS Foundation ; Synergy Care Development Initiative ; Global Care Rescue Mission ; Olives springs Nutrition and health services ; Care4SomeOne ; Success Jimmy Foundation ; Global Women Without Borders for Development Initiative ; Eunice Nnachi Women Advocacy Foundation, ENWAF ; Shining Light Women Initiative for Health, Right and Development ; Global Care Rescue Mission aka Operation Rescue ; Healthy Living Initiatives International ; Ebo Centre for Community Empowerment & Sustainable Development (ECCESD) ; Next Generation Youth Initiative International (NeGYII) ; Rachel Mbazamber Gbeda RAMBERG Child Survival Initiative ; First Step Action for Children Initiative ; The Humanitarian Times ; Gender Environmental and Nutritional Care (GEN-C) ; Inter Action Initiative for community Development ; David Bassey Ikpeme Foundation ; Biofortified Food crops Producers and Processors Cross River State ; Initiative for People's Good Health ; Positive Care and Development Foundation (PCDF) ; Daughters of Mary Sons of Joseph Sons of Joseph Foundation ; Colour Her Africa Foundation ; Ikaa Ine Akpana Rural Women Development and Empowerment Foundation ; EBO Centre for Community Empowerment & Sunstainable Development (ECCESD) ; Aidtogrow initiative ; Rebecca Nkanu Foundation ; Igube global foundation ; Life'worth Development Initiative ; Maden Healthcare Foundation ; Medical Women's Association of Nigeria ; Global Rescue Initiative and Empowerment for Human Development ; Bethel Viva Foundation ; Nigeria Association of Women Journalists, NAWOJ ; Working Fingers Int'l Initiative ; Nigeria Association of Women Journalists, NAWOJ, Delta State Chapter ; Working Fingers Int'l Initiative ; Nutrition Society of Nigeria, Delta State Chapter ; Christian Association of Nigeria Oshimili South LGA Chapter, Delta state ; Arcfrancis Foundation (A.F.F) ; Agape Development Initiative for the Youth and Vulnerables ; Mega Impact Foundation ; Fit Afric Development Initiative – FINE ; Ebona Youth Network Nigeria ; Society for the Improvement of Rural People (SIRP) ; Heroine women foundation ; Society for the Improvement of Rural People (SIRP) ; New-Life Community Care Initiative (NELCCI) ; African Centre for Rural Development & Environment ; Hope Givers initiative ; El Jiboh Center for the Vulnerable and Social Remedy ; Twinning for Health Support Initiative ; Life Skills Foundation for Youth ; Baywood Foundation ; Teenage Development for Africa Ltd/Gte ; Dietitians Association of Nigeria ; Helpers Social Development Foundation ; Adonai Health and Development Foundation (AHADEF) ; Foundation for Family Values and Health Orientation and Empowerment ; Citizens Health Education and Development Intitiative (CHEDI) ; Elohim Foundation ; Centre for Legal Research and Development ; Golden Generation Women for Sound Health and Development (GOSHEN) ; Adonai Health and Development Foundation (AHADEF) ; Citizens Health Education and Development Initiative (CHEDI) ; Centre for the Right to Health ; Justice, Development and Peace Commission (JDPC-Abuja) ; Heal the Youth Foundation ; Women Friendly Initiative (WFI) ; Lawanti community development foundation LCDF ; Elshaddai Skills Development Organization ; Foundation for youth Awakening and Empowerment ; Gombe Anglican Diocesan Development Initiative ; Center for Grassroots Community Education and Development ; Knightingale Women Health Initiative ; Milka Dwanazwa Development Initiative ; Kishimi shelter and care foundation ; Nigeria Association of Women Journalists ; Gombe Media Corporation ; Lawanti comm dev foundation ; Teenager Empowerment Initiative TEMIN ; Open Arms Initiative for Sustainable Development ; Geodora Samaritans ; Foundation for Livelihood Advancement ; Gumel Youth Empowerment Association ; Sankara development Association (SADA ) ; Kansakali development association ; Popular Theater and Health Education Association (POTHE) ; Health Awareness and Rural Girls Education Initiative ; Concern Initiative Development for Vulnerable People ; Knowledge and Community Development Awareness Initiative (KCOMAI) ; People's Daily Newspapers ; Foundation for Social Development of Destitute ; Blueprint Newspaper Ltd ; Jahun Development association ; Kamala Community Health Development Initiatives (KAHDEV) ; Jikas Gari Development association ; Save Nigeria Now ; Jigawa human right advocates ; Community Health and Development Initiative (COHDI) ; Social inclusion for Comprehensive Development ; Mother care development association Uwani Yunusa ; Ilkhad Foundation ; Adolescent Education and Empowerment Initiative (AEEI) ; Yakwai Human Touch Foundation ; Rural Women and youths Orphanage support initiative (RUWOYSI) ; Centre for Peace Advancement and Socio-Economic Development (CPAED) ; Chet Community Development Initiative ; Fantsuam Foundation ; Horizon of Peace and Development Initiative ; Yakwai Human Touch Foundation (YAHTOF) ; Bako Youth Development Foundation ; Carelink Resource Foundation ; Archdiocesan Catholic Healthcare Initiative (ACHI) Kaduna ; LANMSOY Education Resources ; Nachen Sight Initiative ; Yakwai Human Touch Foundation ; Horizon of Peace and Development Initiative ; Chet Community Development Initiative ; Fantsuam Foundation ; African Center for Education Development (CLEDA Africa) ; Bob Soso Rural and Gender Foundation ; Mari-Care Foundation for Widows, Single Parents, Orphans and Vulnerable Children ; Interfaith Peace Foundation ; Institute for Dietetics in Nigeria Kano state chapter ; Wazobia International Women and Children Foundation ; State council for women societies and Development ; Human Empowerment for life project (HELP) ; Media Advocates for Inclusion and Development (MAID) ; Grassroots health organization of Nigeria ; MARI-CARE Foundation for Widows, Single parents, Orphans and Vulnerable Children ; Society for Women Development and Empowerment of Nigeria ; Nutrition Society of Nigeria Kano State Chapter ; Friends of the Community Organization ; Grassroots Health and Empowerment Foundation (GHEF) ; Muna Helping Hand Foundation ; Annur health and peace community development initiative ; Nutrition society of Nigeria Kano state chapter ; BICHMIN ; Society for women and child health initiative ( SWOCHI) ; Purdah Women Empowerment Initiative ; Yakasai Community Partners 4Health (YCP4H) ; Community Healthcare and Educational Development ; Grassroots Health Organization of Nigeria ; Initiative for Better Maternal Infant Childhood Nutrition and Health ; Mindset Community Development initiative ; DE-Saints Community Advancement Initiative ; Progressive union for women and social development ; Rural Youth Initiative ; Kungiar Tallafin Mata Development Initiative – KTMDI ; Adolescent Health Support Organisation ; Initiative for Visionary Education and Social Support (IVESS) ; Welfare for Children and Teenagers Initiative ; Fulfilling Dreams Foundation (FDF) ; Women Environment and Youth Development Initiative – WOYODEV ; Prime Health and Social Initiatives ; Trios Human Development Foundation ; Royal Heritage Health Foundation ; Initiative for Visionary Education and Social Support (IVESS) ; Trios Human Development Foundation ; Community Need Care Development Initiative.( CONCED) ; Fulfilling Dreams Foundation (FDF) ; Global Hope for Women and Children Foundation (GLOHWOC) ; Professional Association Of Public Health Nurses Of Nigeria ; Girl's Aid Initiative Nigeria ; Child Health Organization ; Tendercare Initiative ; Dave Enechukwu Foundation ; Eukalypton Charity Foundation ; CeliaPenny Foundation ; Child Health Organization ; Healthy Living and Women Empowerment Initiative Ebere ; Tendercare Initiative ; Professional Association Of Public Health Nurses ; Girls Aid initiative Nigeria ; Pa Philip Akintoye Development Foundation (PAPADEF) ; Eukalypton Charity Foundation ; Egwu Care Foundation ; Revive Agriculture Nutrition Environment & Leadership Initiative (RANEL INITIATIVE) ; Leadership Initiative for Youth Empowerment (LIFE) ; Grassroot People and Gender Development Center ; Almond Initiative ; Life Partners Foundation ; Health Awareness and Gender Advocacy Initiative (HAGAI) ; Community Aid Development Foundation ; Eukalypton Charity Foundation ; Consumer Advocacy and Empowerment Foundation (CADEF) ; Association of Public health physicians of Nigeria (Lagos State Chapter) ; Thyroid Awareness and Support Initiative TASI ; Centre for 21st Century Issues ; Medical Women's Association of Nigeria (Lagos State Chapter) ; Berta Springs of Life Initiative (BSLI) ; Better Leven Advancement Centre BLAC ; Every Girl Initiative (EGI) ; Country women association of nigeria (COWAN) ; GAMMUN Centre for Care and Development Nigeria ; Child Education and Community Development Initiative ; Agama center for peace and Development ; Hope Rising For The Less Privileged And Vulnerable Foundation ; Youg men's christian Association (YMCA) Mada hills ; Belton Centre for the less privilege ; Belton Centre for the less privilege ; Shiled for Women and Youth Empowerment Foundation (SWYEF) ; NEPHWAN Nasarawa state Chapyer ; Shield for Women and Youth Empowerment Foundation ; SAS Hope Foundation ; Better Leven Advancement Centre ; Better Leven Advancement Centre ; Beacon Youth Initiative (BYI) ; First Step Action for Children Initiative ; NEPHWAN ; Every Girl Initiative (EGI) ; Almirsan Nutrition & Health Foundation ; AlMIRSAN Nutrition and Health Foundation ; JABIWU Hope Foundation ; Centre for Women Youth and Community Action ; Center for Human Awareness and Intellectual Development (CHAID) ; Source of Hope Foundation ; Martval Mother And Child Community Initiative ; Pearls Care Initiative ; Martval Mother And Child Community Initiative ; Socio Economic Research and Development Centre (SERDEC) ; Child Protection Network (CPN) ; Community Aid Initiative for Empowerment and Good Leadership ; Community Health Development Initiative ; Women literacy and vocational Development initiatives wolivodi ; Damisa foundation ; Lafiya Dunya health care association for women and children ; Pearls Care Initiative ; Advocates for Advancement of Economic Growth and Development Initiative (AAEGDI) ; Community Aid Initiative for Empowerment and Good Leadership ; Lafiya Dunya health care association for women and children ; Socio-economic Research and Development Centre (SERDEC) ; Centre for Communication and Reproductive Health Services (CCRHS) ; African Youth Empowerment in Agricultural and Industrial Development initiatives (AYEAID) ; Initiative for Social Development in Africa (iSODAF) ; Hurting Hearts Foundation (HHF) ; Diocesan Health Initiative (DHI) ; Health Development Agency (Child to Child) ; Global Promoters for Community Initiative ; Pearls Care Initiative ; Africa Youth Growth Foundation (AYGF) ; Diaries Foundation ; Community Outreach for Development and Welfare Advocacy (CODWA) ; Foundation for Rescue of Abandoned African Children (FRAAC) ; Trailblazer Initiative Nigeria ; Family Counselling Centre ; Organization for Social Programmes and Health Care (OSPHC) ; Foundation for good health and well being initiative ; Channel For Widow Relief Initiative ; Oyo State Primary Health Care Board, Secretariat, Agodi, Ibadan Oyo State ; Family Counseling Centre (FCC) ; Centre for children in crisis (CENCHIC) ; Mashiah Care Initiative ; Zadchlo International Foundation ; Relief And Hope Foundation ; Relief And Hope Foundation ; Almanah Rescue Mission ; Mother of Good Counsel Initiative (MOGCI) ; FAYEBERNA Foundation ; Quiva fillas educational foundation ; Dietitians Association of Nigeria, Rivers State ; Health for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Organization ; The Brothers ; Maranatha Initiative for Women and children ; Pilgrims Africa Health Foundation ; Rhema Care Integrated Development Centre ; Nutrition Society of Nigeria ; Healthy Life Development Initiative ; Integrated Life Support for Women and Children Initiative (ILSWACI) ; Health and gender initiatives (HGI) ; Asattahir International Foundation ; Life Helpers Initiative ; Save the Child Initiative (STCI) ; Freedom For Life Initiative (FFLI) ; Sunbeam of Hope for Women and Children Initiative ; Save the Child Initiative (STCI) ; Taimako Community Development Initiative (TCDI) ; Health Standard Concern Organisation HESCO ; Save the family health and advancement organization ; Association of Religious Leaders on Health Awareness ; Youth Voice Initiative ; Annur women association ; Save the Society Initiative ; Zamfara State Coalition of NGOs ; Ta'awunulkhairiyya-Voice of women and child Initiative VOWCI Zamfara ; Life Helpers Initiative (LHI) ; Massaha Youth and women Empowerment Initiative ; Save the family ; Initiative for Social Welfare and Community Development ; Nigerian Young Professionals Forum (NYPF) ; Papua New Guinea: Child Fund ; Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA) ; Touch The Untouchable (TTU) ; Perú: PERUSAN ; Cepes ; Republique Centrafricaine: Les doigts verts victimes du VIH/SIDA ; Global Eco-village Network RCA ; Fondation Vegas Jeune pour le Développement ; La Verdure RCA ; Les Femmes de l’Espérence (LFE) ; Projet ENGENEERING ; SHARE HOPE Worldwide (Partager l'Espoir dans le monde) ; Centre pour l’Information Environnementale et le développement durable ; Organisation des Jeunes pour l'Education et le Developpement ; Cooperative Agropastorale et Minière pour le Développement Communitaire en Centrafrique ; Initiative pour un Developpement Durable Integré ; SOS Developpement ; Fédération GAMBISSA YINDOU ; Humanitaire Engagé pour un Mouvement Libre d’Evolution ; Initiatives et Recherches pour les Actions Concrètes de Développement ; Jeunesse Solidaire de la CEMAC ; Association Agro Pastorale de NDA ; Organisation des Jeunes Leaders pour le Développement ; YAMACUIR Centrafrique ; African Relief Service ; République Démocratique du Congo: Equilibre International ; Sénégal: The Hunger Project ; Réseau Africaoin Pour le Droit à l'Alimentation (RAPDA) ; ONG Eau Vie Environnement ; Association des Amis de la Nature (ONG ASAN) ; Association Africaine de jeunesse Agricole et Culturelle / Comité de Lutte pour la Fin de la Faim ; Réseau Jeunesse, Population et Développement du Sénégal (RESOPOPDEV) ; Environnement Communautés Santé et Sécurité (ECOSS) ; Union pour la Solidarité et l'Entraide (USE) ; Afrique Solidarité ; Action et Développement (ONG AcDEV) ; Union des Groupements de Femmes transformatrices de produits locaux de Grand Dakar ; Réseau Des Jeunes Actifs Pour Un Développement Participatif Urbain (REJAD) ; Enda Ecopole ; Association pour le Développement des Technologies et la Gestion de l’Espace et des Ressources des Terroirs ; Coopérative Miftah ; Confédération Sénégalaise des Sociétés Coopératives et Mutualistes ; Démocratie Développement Droits Humains (ONG 3D) ; Action Humaine pour le Développement Intégré (AHDIS) ; Groupe Recherche Appui Initiatives Mutualiste (ONG GRAIM) ; Somalia: Peace Action Society for Somalia (PASOS) ; Togo: ANT ; Centre d'Action pour le Développement Rural (CADR) ; Promotion Femmes Rurales (ProF-Rurales) ; Groupe d'Actions pour une Agriculture et un Environnment Durables (GAAED) ; Réseau National des Acteurs de l'Agroécologie du Togo (RéNAAT) ; Association Eco-Impact ; Campagne des Femmes ; ONG SAVOIR ; Centre de Recherches Concertée pour le Développement (CRCD) ; Action Protection Mère et Enfants pour le Développement ; Saveur Santé ; Espace Vie et Action-Togo (EVA-T) ; Action, Base de Développement (ABAD) ; Uganda: Food Rights Alliance ; Union des Comores: Association de lutte contre la malnutrition aux Comores (ALMC)

Declaration supported by :

Action Contre la Faim ; Action Santé Mondiale ; CARE International ; Concern Worldwide ; Nutrition International ; Relief International ; Right to Grow project ; Save the Children International ; Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network ; Welthungerhilfe ; World Vision International

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